
Bladmusiek $3.95


From Sea to Shining Sea. Douglas E. Wagner. Handbell sheet music. Percussion sheet music.


Van see tot Shining See. Douglas E. Wagner. Tafelbel bladmusiek. Perkussie bladmusiek.


From Sea to Shining Sea arranged by Douglas E. Wagner. Handbell. Handbell Music. Warner Bell Pops. Patriotic. Secular. Handbell Score. 12 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.WBHB9507. From the Pacific to the Atlantic shores, this geographical medley transports the listener across these great States of ours. You'll see many beaming faces in the audience as you pass through some home towns. Includes. HOORAY FOR HOLLYWOOD. DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEXAS. MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS, LOUIS. MY KIND OF TOWN. Chicago Is. INDIANA. Back Home Again in Indiana. MY OLD KENTUCKY HOME. TENNESSEE WALTZ. GEORGIA ON MY MIND. CAROLINA IN THE MORNING. THEME FROM 'NEW YORK, NEW YORK'.


Van see tot Shining Sea gereël deur Douglas E. Wagner. Tafelbel. Tafelbel Musiek. Warner Bell Pops. Patriotiese. Sekulêre. Tafelbel telling. 12 bladsye. Gepubliseer deur Alfred Musiek. AP.WBHB9507. Van die Stille Oseaan na die Atlantiese kus, die geografiese medley vervoer die luisteraar oor hierdie groot State van ons. Jy sal baie waai gesigte in die gehoor as jy deur 'n huis dorpe. Sluit. Hoera vir Hollywood. DEEP in die hart van TEXAS. Ontmoet my in St. LOUIS Louis. My soort KAAPSTAD. Chicago Is. INDIANA. Back Home Again in Indiana. MY OLD KENTUCKY HOME. TENNESSEE Wals. GEORGIA op my gedagtes. CAROLINA in die oggend. Tema uit 'New York, New York.
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