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Guitar World Magazine - Holiday 2010. Guitar sheet music.


Guitar World Magazine - Vakansie 2010. Guitar bladmusiek.


Guitar World Magazine - Holiday 2010 magazine. 162 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.77770130. The Beatles and Beyond. The making of John Lennon's “Double Fantasy,” Paul McCartney on the Beatles, Wings, and his solo career, Klaus Voorman. a rare interview with the fifth Beatle. Plus Randy Rhoads, Ron Wood, Alice in Chains, Deftones, Mastodon, and much more. Songs. Paramore. The Only Exception, John Lennon. Happy Xmas. War is Over. , Paul McCartney. Maybe I'm Amazed, Trivium. Anthem. We are the Fire. , Avenged Sevenfold. Unholy Confessions.


Guitar World Magazine - Vakansie 2010 tydskrif. 162 bladsye. Gepubliseer deur Hal Leonard. HL.77770130. Die Beatles en Beyond. Die maak van John Lennon se "Double Fantasie," Paul McCartney op die Beatles, is die vlerke, en sy solo-loopbaan, Klaus Voorman. 'n seldsame onderhoud met die vyfde Beatle. Plus Randy Rhoads, Ron Wood, Alice in Chains, Deftones, Mastodon, en nog baie meer. Songs. Paramore. Die enigste uitsondering, John Lennon. Gelukkige Kersfees. War is Over. Paul McCartney. Miskien is ek verbaas Trivium. Volkslied. Ons is die Vuur. , Avenged Sevenfold. Onheilige Confessions.
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