Bladmusiek $16.95
Modern Music for String Quartet. Manfred Schmitz. Cello sheet music. Viola sheet music. Violin sheet music. Intermediate.Vertaling
Moderne Musiek vir String Quartet. Manfred Schmitz. Tjello bladmusiek. Altviool bladmusiek. Viool bladmusiek. Intermediêre.Oorspronklik
Modern Music for String Quartet composed by Manfred Schmitz. For Strings. Saddle-stitched, Ensemble. Mixed. AMA Verlag. All Styles. Intermediate. Book. 20 pages. Published by AMA Verlag. MB.610236. ISBN 9783932587436. All Styles. 9 x 12 inches. When you hear the words, "string quartet," you probably think of classical chamber music first. You might find it surprising that such an ensemble can very effectively entertain by presenting pop music before audiences in the most varied venues of the modern concert scene. This is proven by these very special compositions. They are original compositions written for students who up until now have not only heartily greeted their conception but also had lots of fun and success performing them, which will certainly continue in the future as well. At the innumerable occasions open to student ensemble performance -- whether it be a recital, the opening of an exhibition, a concert in a gallery or another appropriate musical event -- a string quartet performing pop music is always a very welcome change. Birthday Serenade. Boogie For Strings. Jazz Invention. Miller Rag. Passacaglia In Jazz.Vertaling
Moderne Musiek vir String Quartet gekomponeer deur Manfred Schmitz. Vir Strykers. Saddle-steke, Ensemble. Gemeng. AMA Verlag. Alle Styles. Intermediêre. Book. 20 bladsye. Gepubliseer deur AMA Verlag. MB.610236. ISBN 9783932587436. Alle Styles. 9 x 12 duim. Wanneer jy die woorde hoor "String Quartet," het jy waarskynlik dink van klassieke kamermusiek eerste. Jy kan vind dit vreemd dat so 'n ensemble kan baie effektief te vermaak deur die aanbieding van pop musiek voor gehore in die mees uiteenlopende plekke van die moderne konsert toneel. Dit word bewys deur hierdie baie spesiale komposisies. Hulle is oorspronklike komposisies geskryf vir studente wat tot nou toe nog nie eers van harte hul opvatting baie pret en sukses uitvoering van hulle, wat sal beslis voortgaan om in die toekoms so goed begroet, maar het ook '. Aan die ontelbare geleenthede oop te student ensemble prestasie - of dit 'n uitvoering, die opening van 'n uitstalling, 'n konsert in 'n galery of ander toepaslike musikale gebeurtenis - 'n strykkwartet presterende popmusiek is altyd 'n baie welkome verandering. Verjaardag Serenade. Boogie vir Strykers. Jazz Production. Miller Jool. Passacaglia In Jazz.Gewilde versoeke