Bladmusiek $2.15
Come To Jesus. Untitled Hymn. Chris Rice. Choir sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music.Vertaling
Kom na Jesus. Untitled Hymn. Chris Rice. Koor bladmusiek. Klavierbegeleiding bladmusiek.Oorspronklik
Come To Jesus. Untitled Hymn. composed by Chris Rice. Arranged by Mark Hayes. For SATB choir and piano. The Mark Hayes Choral Series. Funeral & Memorial, General Worship, Sacred. Octavo. 12 pages. Published by Hope Publishing Company. HP.C5762. Tranquil and flowing, this Mark Hayes setting of Chris Rice's popular praise ballad offers an inspirational message paired with superb, gently syncopated, choral writing. The message of Jesus' presence being ever present offers comfort and hope in every circumstance. Each of the six verses has a distinct mood based on the lyric, which Mark captures and underscores through dynamic contrast in the accompaniment and varied choral textures.Vertaling
Kom na Jesus. Untitled Hymn. saamgestel deur Chris Rice. Gereël deur Mark Hayes. Vir SATB koor en klavier. Die Mark Hayes Choral Reeks. Begrafnis. Agtste. 12 bladsye. Gepubliseer deur Hope Publishing Company. HP.C5762. Rustige en vloeiende, hierdie Mark Hayes instelling van Chris Rice se gewilde lof ballade bied 'n inspirerende boodskap saam met uitstekende, liggies gesinkopeer, koor skriftelik. Die boodskap van Jesus se teenwoordigheid om altyd teenwoordig bied troos en hoop in elke omstandigheid. Elk van die ses verse het 'n duidelike bui gebaseer op die liriek, wat Mark vang en beklemtoon deur dinamiese kontras in die begeleiding en gevarieerde koor teksture.Gewilde versoeke