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The King's Singers Book of Rounds, Canons and Partsongs. The King's Singers. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music. Beginning.


Die King's Singers Book rondtes, kanonne en Partsongs. Die King's Singers. Voice bladmusiek. Koor bladmusiek. Begin.


The King's Singers Book of Rounds, Canons and Partsongs. Songbook. By The King's Singers. Arranged by The King's Singers. Songbook. King's Singer's Choral. Pop Vocal, Traditional Folk, Baroque and Classical Period. Difficulty. easy-medium. Vocal score. one, two and three part rounds. Vocal melody, harmony part and leadsheet notation. 80 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.8743259. ISBN 0634046306. With vocal melody, harmony part and leadsheet notation. Pop Vocal, Traditional Folk, Baroque and Classical Period. 6x9 inches. This delightful collection of 99 rounds, canons and partsongs makes a delightful introduction to part-singing to kids from 6 to 106. The selections are arranged by categories including English Pre-1700. Secular. , Pre-1700. Sacred. , Post 1700, From Around the World and Wordless Rounds. There's also a surprise or two. Includes. Alleluia. Boyce. , Christmas Is Coming, Coffee Canon, Come Follow, Come Let Us All A-Maying Go, Dona Nobis Pacem, Hava Na Shira, If Turn'd Topsy Turvy, Jubilate Deo, Mi Gallo, My Dame Hath a Lame Tame Crane, Non Nobis Domine, Oaken Leaves, Shalom Chaverim, The Silver Swan, Summer Is A-Coming In, Tallis' Canon, Viva la Musica, When Jesus Wept and 80 more. Christmas Is Coming. Round Of Three Country Dances In One. Lo Yisa Goi. Let There Be Peace. Dona Nobis Pacem. Shalom Chaverim. Shalom Friends. White Coral Bells. Alleluia. Sumer Is Icumen In. Summer Is A-Coming In. Non Nobis Domine. Jubilate Deo. I Gave Her Cakes,& Gave Her Ale. Adieu, sweet Amarillis. Ah, Poor Bird. Ah, Robyn, Gentil Robyn. Blow Thy Horn, Thou Jolly Hunter. Come Follow. Come Let Us All A-Maying Go. Dame, Lend A Me A Loaf. Fie, Nay, Prithee John. Flow, O My Tears. Follow Me Quickly. He That Will An Ale-House Keep. Hark. The Bonny Christchurch Bells Ring. Hey Down A Down. Hey Ho, Anybody Home. Hey Ho, To The Greenwood. I Goe Before My Darling. Jack Boy, Ho Boy Newis. Joan, Come Kiss Me Now. Lady, Come Down And See. The Little Bells Of Westminster. Jolly Shepherd. Little Jack Horner. Musing. My Dame Hath A Lame, Tame Crane. New Oysters. Now God Be With Old Simeon. Now, Robin, Lend To Me Thy Bow. Oaken Leaves. Once, Twice, Thrice. One, Two, Three, Our Number Is Right. A Round Of Three Country Dances In One. The Silver Swan. Since Time So Kind. Sing We Now Merrily. Sing With Thy Mouth. Sing You Now After Me. Tan Ta Ra Ran Tan Tant. There Was An Old Man. To Portsmouth. Turn Again, Whittington. Under This Stone. Viva La Musica. Well Rung, Tom, Boy. White Sand And Grey Sky. Who'll Buy Me Roses. Alleluya. Benedictus. Christe, Der Du Bist Tag Und Licht. De Terra Christus Ascendit. Happy Be Thou, Heavenly Queen. Jesu, Rex Admirabilis. O Lord, Turne Not Away Thy Face. Oh Praise The Lord. Tallis' Canon. There Is A Flower. Freu Dich Des Lebens. Ave Maria. Friends, Forget The Cares. If Turn'd Topsy Turvy. I Will Not Plead. When Jesus Wept. 'Tis Thus, Thus And Thus. Coffee Canon. The New Day. Welcome, Welcome, Ev'ry Guest. Wake Up Canon. Swiftly Flowing Labe. The Owl And The Cuckoo. French Cathedrals. All Things Shall Perish. Hava Na Shira. Kukuriku. Perche Vezzosi Rai. Hotaru Koi. Mi Gallo. Round. Round 1. Round 2. Round 3.


Die King's Singers Book rondtes, kanonne en Partsongs. Liedboek. By die koning se Singers. Gereël deur die King's Singers. Liedboek. King's sanger se Choral. Pop Vocal, tradisionele folk, barok en Klassieke tydperk. Moeite. maklik-medium. Sang telling. een, twee en drie deel rondes. Vokale melodie, harmonie en deel leadsheet notasie. 80 bladsye. Gepubliseer deur Hal Leonard. HL.8743259. ISBN 0634046306. Met vokale melodie, harmonie en deel leadsheet notasie. Pop Vocal, tradisionele folk, barok en Klassieke tydperk. 6x9 duim. Hierdie pragtige versameling van 99 rondtes, kanonne en partsongs maak 'n heerlike inleiding tot deel-sing aan kinders 6-106. Die keuses is gereël deur die kategorieë, insluitend Engels Pre-1700. Sekulêre. , Pre-1700. Heilige. , Post 1700, van regoor die wêreld en Woordelose Rondes. Daar is ook 'n verrassing of twee. Sluit. Halleluja. Boyce. , Kersfees kom, Koffie Canon, kom hier, volg, Kom laat ons almal A-Mei-fees Gaan Dona Nobis Pacem, Hava Na Shira, As Turn'd Topsy Turvy, Jubilate Deo, Mi Gallo, My Dame het 'n Lame Tame Crane, Nie Nobis Domine, eikehouten Blare, Shalom Chaverim, Die Silwer Swan, somer A-kom, Tallis 'Canon, Viva la Musica, toe Jesus gehuil en 80 meer. Kersfees kom. Ronde van die Drie Land danse in Een. Kyk Yisa Goi. Laat daar vrede. Dona Nobis Pacem. Shalom Chaverim. Shalom Vriende. Wit Coral Bells. Halleluja. Sumer Is Icumen In. Die somer is 'n opkomende In. Nie Nobis Domine. Jubilate Deo. Ek het vir haar koeke,. Adieu, soet Amarillis. Ag, arme dier. Ag, Robyn, Gentil Robyn. Blaas jou horing Jy Jolly Hunter. Kom Volg. Kom laat ons almal A-Mei-fees Go. Dame, leen 'n My 'n brood. Foei, Nee, Prithee John. Vloei, o my trane. Volg my vinnig. Hy wat 'n Ale-House Hou. Hark. Die Bonnie Christchurch klokke. Hey Down A Down. Hey Ho, Enigiemand Home. Hey Ho, To The Green. Ek goe voor my Darling. Jack Boy, Ho Boy Newis. Joan: Kom soen my Nou. Lady, kom en Sien. The Little klokke van Westminster. Jolly Shepherd. Little Jack Horner. Musing. My Dame het 'n lam Tame Crane. Nuwe oesters. Nou God met Old Simeon. Nou, Robin, leen aan my jou boog. Eikehouten Leaves. Een, twee, drie maal. Een, twee, drie, Ons nommer is Right. 'N ronde van die Drie Land danse in Een. Die Silver Swan. Sedert Tyd so vriendelik. Sing Ons Nou vrolik. Sing met jou mond. Sing Jy Nou Na My. Tan Ta Ra Ran Tan Tant. Daar was 'n ou man. Portsmouth. Draai om, Whittington. Onder hierdie klip. Viva La Musica. Wel Rung, Tom, Boy. Wit sand en Grey Sky. Wie sal koop My Roses. Alleluya. Benedictus. Christe, Die dag en Lig. De Terra Christus Ascendit. Gelukkig is jy, Hemelse koningin. Jesu, Rex Admirabilis. O Here, draai nie weg nie u aangesig. Ag prys die Here. Tallis 'Canon. Daar is 'n blom. Juig Of Life. Ave Maria. Vriende, Vergeet die sorge. As Turn'd Topsy Turvy. Ek sal nie Pleit. Wanneer Jesus het gehuil. "Dit is dus so en so. Koffie Canon. Die Nuwe Dag. Welkom, Welkom, Guest Ev'ry. Wake Up Canon. Vinnig vloeiende Labe. Die Uil en die seemeeu. Franse Cathedrals. Alles sal vergaan. Hava Na Shira. Kukuriku. Hoekom Vezzosi Rai. Hotaru Koi. My Cock. Ronde. Rondte 1. Round 2. Round 3.
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