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Piano Adventures Level 2A - Lesson Book. Nancy Faber. Piano Method sheet music.


Piano Adventures Vlak 2A - Les Book. Nancy Faber. Piano Metode bladmusiek.


Piano Adventures Level 2A - Lesson Book for Piano. Keyboard. Faber Piano AdventuresÂ. Methods. Level 2A. Instructional book. 64 pages. Faber Piano Adventures #FF1081. Published by Faber Piano Adventures. HL.420174. ISBN 1616770813. Methods. 9x12 inches. The 2nd Edition Level 2A Lesson Book follows Piano Adventures Level 1. The book opens with a Note Reading Guide and an introduction to eighth note rhythm patterns. Students work with 5-finger transposition, functional harmony, and musical phrases. Exploration of C, G, D and A major and minor 5-finger positions builds on intervallic reading skills that were introduced in the earlier level. Appealing repertoire reinforces key concepts and encourages students to explore musical expression through varied dynamics and tempos. Selections include well-known classics from the great composers and original compositions. Piano Adventures has set a new standard for a new century of piano teaching. It is fast becoming the method of choice at leading university pedagogy programs and major teaching studios around the world. But more importantly, Piano Adventures is bringing smiles to the faces of thousands of piano students. It can do the same for your students. Ice Cream. Skip to My Lou. Snake Charmer. Aardvark Boogie. Famous People. I Am the King. Jazz Blast. Leftover Popcorn. Moonlight Melody. More Ice Cream. My Daydream. Our Detective Agency. Pirate of the North Sea. Storms on Saturn. Sword Dance. The Elf's Silver Hammer. The Puppet Show. The Queen's Royal Entrance. This Old Man. for L.H. This Old Man. for R.H. Whirling Leaves. Spring. Changing Moods. The Clock Strikes Thirteen. Go Tell Aunt Rhody. In an Old Castle. Kitch-iti-kipi. A Minuet for Mr. Bach's Children. Mr. Brahms' Famous Lullaby. Mr. Haydn's Theme. Ode to Joy. Peter Pan's Flight. When The Saints Go Marching In.


Piano Adventures Vlak 2A - Les Boek vir Klavier. Sleutelbord. Faber Piano AdventuresÂ. Metodes. Vlak 2A. Instruksionele boek. 64 bladsye. Приключения фортепиано Faber. Gepubliseer deur Faber Piano Adventures. HL.420174. ISBN 1616770813. Metodes. 9x12 duim. Die 2nd Edition Level 2A Les Book volg Piano Adventures Vlak 1. Die boek begin met 'n nota Lees Guide en 'n inleiding tot die agtste noot ritme patrone. Studente werk met 5-vinger transposisie, funksionele harmonie en musikale frases. Verkenning van C, G, D en A majeur en mineur 5-vinger posisies bou voort op intervallic leesvaardighede wat in die vorige vlak ingestel is. Aantreklik repertoire versterk sleutel konsepte en moedig studente musikale uitdrukking deur gewissel dinamika en tempo te verken. Selections sluit in bekende klassieke uit die groot komponiste en oorspronklike komposisies. Piano Adventures het 'n nuwe standaard vir 'n nuwe eeu van klavier onderrig. Dit is vinnig besig om die metode van keuse by toonaangewende universiteit pedagogie programme en groot onderrig ateljees regoor die wêreld. Maar meer belangrik, is Piano Adventures bring glimlagte op die gesigte van duisende klavier studente. Dit kan dieselfde doen vir jou studente. Roomys. Slaan oor na My Lou. Slangenbezweerder. Aardvark Boogie. Famous People. Ek is die Koning. Jazz Blast. Oorskiet Popcorn. Moonlight Melody. Meer roomys. My Dagdroom. Ons Detective Agency. Pirate van die Noordsee. Storms op Saturn. Swaard Dans. Die Elf se Silver Hammer. Die Poppekas. Die Koningin se Royal Entrance. Dit Old Man. vir L.H. Dit Old Man. vir R.H. Swaai Leaves. Lente. Veranderende stemminge. Die klok slaan Dertien. Gaan Vertel Tante Rhody. In 'n Ou Castle. Kitch-ITI-Kipi. 'N Minuet vir mnr Bach se kinders. Mnr Brahms se Famous Lullaby. Mnr Haydn se Tema. Ode to Joy. Peter Pan se vlug. Wanneer die heiliges Go Marching In.
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