Three Madrigals. Feel free to print and sing these pieces, but please let me know if you perform them, and I would appreciate a copy of any recordings made. General Information. Title. Three Madrigals. A cappella. Secular , Madrigal. Language. English.
Drie Madrigale. Feel free to print and sing these pieces, but please let me know if you perform them, and I would appreciate a copy of any recordings made. Algemene Inligting. Titel. Drie Madrigale. A cappella. Sekulêre, Madrigal. Taal. Engels.
These madrigals, written on the 12th and 13th of August, 2006, were inspired by madrigals that are part of the standard repertoire of the Australian University Choral Societies. The first madrigal, Since first , is a love song, dedicated to my wife, Leanne. It should be sung gently, with bars 12 to 18 being particularly lyrical. The second madrigal, Weep , began as being inspired by Weep O Mine Eyes , but ended up with a more biblical text, loosely based on the lamentations of Jeremiah. The third and final madrigal, Pastime , is inspired by the well-known work by Henry VIII. It adopts harmonies that suggest a medieval atmosphere, while using a rather modern alternating 3. 4 and 6. 8 time signature. à la Bernstein.
These madrigals, written on the 12th and 13th of August, 2006, were inspired by madrigals that are part of the standard repertoire of the Australian University Choral Societies. The first madrigal, Since first , is a love song, dedicated to my wife, Leanne. It should be sung gently, with bars 12 to 18 being particularly lyrical. The second madrigal, Weep , began as being inspired by Weep O Mine Eyes , but ended up with a more biblical text, loosely based on the lamentations of Jeremiah. The third and final madrigal, Pastime , is inspired by the well-known work by Henry VIII. It adopts harmonies that suggest a medieval atmosphere, while using a rather modern alternating 3. 4 and 6. 8 time signature. à la Bernstein.